
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Upcoming Math Test

Good Afternoon Everyone-

As you will see in your child's assignment notebook, we will be having our first math test this Friday, October 14th.  This test will cover all the material in the first unit of the Math textbook.  This includes: place value, greater than less than, word form, standard form, expanded form, and proof drawings (better known as picture form).  In addition the unit includes multi-digit addition and subtraction.  We did a review in class this morning and the children all demonstrated a good command of these learning essentials.

To prepare for the test I have told the children to go over the unit in their math books, look through their math notebooks, and to go over homework and classwork papers.  Any additional help you can lend at home will be helpful as well.

If you have any additional questions, please drop me an e-mail.  Thanks-

Mrs. D