
Monday, October 24, 2011

A Couple of Housekeeping Items

Good Afternoon Everyone-

I have a couple of housekeeping items I would like to bring to your attention:

1. The Social Studies Quiz that came home with your child today is their study guide for the test on Wednesday.  The children should also review all the loose handouts/maps in their Social Studies pocket in their binder as well as their Social Studies Notebooks.

2. The Health homework for tonight is left over classwork from this morning.  The children only need to write down the answers to questions 1-22.  The word bank at the top of the page are the words needed to complete number 1-17.

3. Please remind your child that it is their responsibility to complete their homework each night and bring it to class prepared to either hand it in or have it checked and reviewed.  We have had some slips with this the past couple of weeks and I think a bit of double checking at home would help.  Thanks.

4. If your child has an enrichment class to attend please send in a note with the dates of the class and the location.  This will help me know where to dismiss your child without any confusion. 

5. Lynn Cook (Charlotte's mom) is organizing our Halloween Party on Monday, October 31st.  Your help with this is needed and appreciated.  The children will participate in the annual Halloween Parade on Monday at 2pm.  We could use a couple of parents to help us patrol the bathrooms as the children change.  The party after the parade will be in our class.  If you can help with paper goods, a small snack/treat, drinks or a game please contact Lynn ( to let her know what you can do to help.  This is a fun afternoon.  I hope you will be able to join us.

I think that is all for now.  I hope everyone's evenings go well.

Mrs. D.