
Friday, February 10, 2012


Dear Parents,

            I hope this note finds you at the end of a good week.  In class we continue our studies of multiplication and division, Ancient Rome, weather, medicines and writing reading responses.  The children are doing well learning their multiplication facts.  Please remember to have your child practice these facts for a minimum of 5 minutes each night.

            I have several housekeeping items to share with you this week. 

1.     I hope you received my note about our planned Valentine’s Day activities.  If not please check the blog and/or the pink paper reminder in your child’s binder.
2.    We will have our annual Curriculum Day on Wednesday February 22nd from 9:30-11:30.  This is an opportunity for you to rotate through several learning activities with your child.  I hope you will be able to join us. 
3.    In the Friday Folders today is the permission slip for our trip to Imagination Stage on February 24th.  If you would like to chaperone this trip, please let me know. 
4.    The Schoolyard Stewards program is starting back up in March.  If you would like to work with the children in the outdoor classrooms, during their recess/lunch time on Tuesdays, please let me know.  Please remember there is no need to be a garden expert to help with this program.  Laura Ryan our Schoolyard Coordinator will arrange all lessons and activities.
5.    Anna Stein, our Art teacher is asking each class to provide a volunteer to hang the class artwork for Dessart Night.  The picture hanging will begin after Parent Teacher Conferences.  If this is something you could help with please let me know.
6.    Parent Teacher conferences will be March 1st and 2nd.  I can also meet earlier should these dates not work into your schedule.  I am working on an electronic sign-up for these meetings and should have this available to you by Monday. 
I hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend.