
Friday, February 3, 2012

Savanna 2-3-12

Dear Parents,

            What fish we have in our class! All the children had such good week swimming.  The reports back from Mr. Green and Mr. Corkins were all very positive about the children’s skills as well as their behavior at the pool.  The excitement about using their jeans as a floatation devise was fun to hear.  Another big thanks goes to Michelle Ledgerwood for her help with the girls’ locker room on Monday and Tuesday,

We did enjoy getting back to a regular schedule on Wednesday.  We continued learning about the life and times in Ancient Rome with our computer research.  In Science our focus has been on weather and again, the children are demonstrating their knowledge of the water cycle through their stories tracing the route of a raindrop.  In math we continue to explore multiplication and division.  The children have done a nice job demonstrating their understanding of arrays and how to take a given number of objects and break them into equal groups.   Everyone is coming along with mastering their multiplication facts and we have enjoyed practicing these with several online games.  As I have told the children, to remember these facts quickly, they all need to practice every night.  This can be done with flash cards, verbal quizzing, work sheet problems or with online games.  Another good site for games is  We have used this one in class and the children have enjoyed it.  Overall we have had a good academic week.

            As you know report cards for the second quarter will go next week.  As I told the children, this reporting period began all the way back on November 2nd and a their grades are a reflection of growth over that time. Overall, I was quite pleased with the improvement each child has made.  We talked as a class about what we can do this quarter to take on a bit more responsibility for getting homework in on time, completing assignments, remembering supplies, following the school rules, getting to school on time, and not being so sleepy in class.  The children came up with several good suggestions.  We will have a chance to discuss this report card and the progress of your child, at our Parent-Teacher conferences on March 1st and 2nd.  I will be sending conference slips home in the next week to schedule these meetings.

            We have a field trip coming up this month as well.  We will be going to Imagination Stage for a theater performance on Friday the 24th.  Please let me know if you would like to join us for this fun learning experience. 

            As always, thank you for all you do to support your child.  Good luck to all the basketball teams tonight!  Enjoy the weekend         


Upcoming Events

Friday 2/24- Imagination Stage Field Trip
Thursday and Friday 3/1-2- Parent Teacher Conferences (No School for Children)