
Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday December 12th Savanna

Dear Parents,

         We have had a very productive week this week.  We were able to finish up our unit on plants and animals on Thursday, have practiced our multiplication facts in a variety of ways, learned about line plots, and finally have done some writing and grammar work.  All in all, a full and active week of learning.  We also were able to read the book Snowflake Bentley and learned how Wilson Bentley taught himself to photograph snowflakes and capture their unique beauty. We then enjoyed making our own unique snowflakes.  It was a nice way to celebrate the few flakes that fell on Thursday afternoon.

Last week I mentioned our annual visit from the London Brass Rubbing Centre on Monday, December 22nd.   This program will begin at 9:30 with a 30-minute explanation of the art of brass rubbing and who would have had a rubbing made for them.  From 10-12:00 pm all the children will have an opportunity to make their rubbing as well as complete several other craft projects.  I appreciate the offers I have gotten to lend a hand that morning.  We can always use more hands if you would like to help out for all or part of this special project.  Just let me know.   Please also remember to send in the $7.00 fee as soon as possible. 

         I would like to end this week’s note with a reminder to have your children dress appropriately for the weather.  This time of year this includes wearing coats, hat and having a pair of mittens or gloves.  The children do go out everyday and we want them to be warm as they play outside.  If you child is missing any of their outerwear, please check the lost and found.

I hope you all have a nice weekend.


                                                               Mrs. DiNardo

Upcoming Events

                           Monday 12/22- London Brass Rubbing Centre Visit
                     Wednesday 12/24-Friday 1/2/15- Winter Break
                           Monday 1/5/15- School Reopens