
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Savanna 2-7-14

Dear Parents,

            I hope this note finds you at the end of a good week.  In class we continue our studies of multiplication and division, Ancient Rome, grammar and writing about the life in Ancient Rome.  We will be testing out our Social Studies unit on Rome next Tuesday.  The children have all the information they need in their binders for review.  I have been stressing the need for the children to practice their multiplication facts each night for several weeks.  While many of the children are making good progress in mastering these facts, I would strongly encourage those who may still be struggling, to be more vigilant in their practice.  The goal is to have automatic recall of all facts 1-12. 

            I have several housekeeping items to share with you this week. 

1.     You will receive a note about our planned Valentine’s Day activities in your child’s Friday Folder.
2.    We will have our annual Curriculum Day on Wednesday February 19th from 9:30-11:30.  This is an opportunity for you to rotate through several learning activities with your child.  I hope you will be able to join us. 
3.    Our Imagination Stage Field Trip is scheduled for next Friday, Feb. 14th.  Thank you to those who have volunteered to chaperone, and who have sent in the permission slips and the money for tickets.  If you have not done so as of yet, please send them on Monday. 
4.    Your child brought home information about our annual Wax Museum project earlier this week.  There are several due dates for this month long project.  Please help your child pace their work at home.
5.    Parent Teacher conferences will be March 7th and 8th.   I am working on an electronic sign-up for these meetings and should have this available to you next week. 
6.   There has been a change in the Early Release Wednesday schedule for the remainder of the year.  In order to “bank” instructional time in the event of additional snow days this year, the following Wednesday’s will now be full days of school- Feb. 12, Feb. 19, Mar. 19, Apr 2, April 9, April 30, May 7,
May 14, and May 21.  Please mark these changes on your calendars.

Important Dates

Wednesday, February 12 -Full Day of School
Friday, February 14- Imagination Stage Field Trip
Monday, February 17- President’s Day Holiday- No School
Wednesday, February 19- Curriculum Day (Full Day of School)
Wednesday, March 5- Wax Museum- 11am to 12 noon
Thursday/Friday March 6-7- Parent Teacher Conferences

I hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend.