I would like to being this week's note with a big thank you to everyone for all the well wishes I received concerning my surgery. I truly appreciated all the kind words. All went well and other than not being able to bend down and lift heavy objects, I am well on the road to recovery.
spent this week getting back into the full swing of school. We took some time to review school and
class rules, as well as to talk about expectations for the coming months. Now that we are finishing up the second
quarter we talked about the need for all the children to step up and take a bit
more responsibility for their work and actions both in and out of the
are continuing our unit on Multiplication. In this unit, the children will
learn their multiplication facts from 1-12. To help with this, each child will
need a set of multiplication flash cards at home to help with the daily review
of these facts. I am assigning an additional 10 minutes of practice of facts
each night as part of the daily homework.
This practice can be with the flash cards, a computer game, or with an
app on a hand held device. A great
resource for computer games is the Tuckahoe web site. Under the “Links” tab there is a list of Math sites. One site the children enjoy is both AAA
Math, and Gamequarium. If you and
your child find a site you particularly like, please share it with me and I
will pass it along to the others in the class.
Science we are learning about ecosystems, habitats and adaptations. We will be testing this unit out in the
next week or so. We have continued
our work on grammar, sentence structure and paragraph writing in Language
Arts. In Social Studies we kicked
off our unit on Ancient Rome with a computer scavenger hunt. All in all it has been a busy week of
Below are a couple of important dates to
put on your calendars:
Friday, January 17- End of 2nd Quarter
January 20- Dr. King Holiday-
Schools Closed
Tuesday, January 21- Teacher Workday- No school for students
Wednesday, January 22- Full day of School-No Early Release
January 24- Disco Dance-7pm
always, I appreciate your help and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact