
Friday, June 8, 2012

6-8 Savanna

Dear Parents-

There is not much new to report this week.  The children have been working hard in their Tuckahoe Town groups creating their product.  It has been fun to watch their conceptual ideas come to life and watch as the kids make adjustments to their original thoughts.  Budgets have been set and the reality of how much things cost is beginning to settle into everyone’s thinking.  I hope you will be able to join us for some great shopping at Tuckahoe Town next Friday, June 15th from 10:30-11:30.

The children have also been working on maps in Math, safety rules in Health, and practicing their typing skills.  We conducted our Family Life discussions this week.  It is our hope that these preliminary discussions about how our bodies change during puberty will be a jumping off point for further talks at home.  Mr. Corkins taught the boys this week and I worked with the girls.  I was most impressed at the level of maturity and the level of questions the girls had while we talked. The children also met with Mr. Bowman, our Instrumental Music Teacher, on Monday and learned about the band and orchestra programs available to them next year.  Mr. Bowman is testing each child out on different instruments and will be sending home recommended instrument choices should your child wish to participate in either of these programs next year.  Please return the slips to me as soon as possible.

Below are important dates for the remainder of the year. 

June 15- Tuckahoe Town- 10:30-11:30 am
June 19- 3rd Grade End of Year Picnic- 11 am-1 pm
June 20- Early Release
June 20- Fifth Grade Farewell- 7:00 pm
June 22- Last Day of School- Early Release/Report Cards Issued

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Have a nice weekend.