
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Test and Project

Good Afternoon Everyone-

I wanted to give you a heads up that the children will be having a Science Test on Monday.  The test will cover the information in Unit A Chapter Two of the Science Textbook.  The children should review the reading, look over the graphic organizer as well as all the workbook pages.  I will hold a learning lunch on Monday to go over the information one last time prior to the test.  I am confident that with some review this long weekend the children will do fine on the test.

I am also ending home instructions for an animal diorama project.  Please go over the information with your child tonight and help them to pace out their work.  We talked about the need to do a little bit each night so it all isn't left for the last day.

As always I appreciate all your help and support.  If you have any questions, please let me know.


Mrs. D